ලංකා ඊනිවුස් සඳරුවන්ට නිසිදඬුවම් ඉල්ලා ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණයට පෙත්සමක් - පැමිණිලි 14ක්
ලංකා ඊනිවුස් කර්තෘ යයි පවසන සඳරුවන් සේනාධීරට නිසි දඬුවම් ලබාදෙන ලෙස ඉල්ලමින් අද (23) ජනාධිපති නීතීඥ හේමන්ත වර්ණකුලසූරිය ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණයට ...
ලංකා ඊනිවුස් කර්තෘ යයි පවසන සඳරුවන් සේනාධීරට නිසි දඬුවම් ලබාදෙන ලෙස ඉල්ලමින් අද (23) ජනාධිපති නීතීඥ හේමන්ත වර්ණකුලසූරිය ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණයට පෙත්සමක් ගොනුකර තිබේ.
ඒ, අදාළ පෙත්සම ගොනුකර ඇත්තේ පසුගිය කලයේදී එම වෙබ් අඩවියේ විටින් විට පළවූ ලිපි මගින් මතුවූ සිද්ධීන් 14කදී අගවිනිසුරුවරයා ඇතුළුව ඉහළ සිට පහළ අධිකරණ වල කටයුතු කරන ජ්යෙෂ්ඨ, කනිෂ්ඨ විනිසුරුවන් 21 දෙනෙකු “ විනි-සොරු“ ලෙස දක්වමින් ඔවුන්ට අපහාස කළ බව කියමිනි.
මීට අමතරව, ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණ නීතීඥ චන්ද්රසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න ද අධිකරණයට අපහාස කර ඇතැයි ද ඔහු වැඩිදුරටත් පවසයි.
මේ සම්බන්ධ දිවුරුම් ප්රකාශ අධිකරණය වෙත භාරදුන් නීතීඥ මධුර විතානගේ පවසන්නේ ලංකාඊනිවුස් යන නමින් ඇති ෆේස්බුක් ගිණුමක් මගින් මෙවැනි අපහාසාත්මක ලිපි රැසක් පළ කර ඇති බවත්, ඊනිවුස් වෙබ් අඩවියේ කර්තෘ සඳරුවන් සේනාධීර ට රිසි නොවන නඩුතීන්දු හෝ අධිකරණ නියෝග ලබාදුන්නහොත් එම විනිසුරුවරුන්ට එරෙහිව මෙවැනි ලිපි පළවන බවත් ලැබී ඇති තොරතුරු වලින් පෙනී යන බවයි.
මෙම ඒකපුද්ගල ඉල්ලුම්පත්ර සලකාබලමින් සඳරුවන් සේනාධීරට හා චන්ද්රසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න යන අයවළුන් ට එරෙහිව චෝදනා ගොනුකරන මෙන් නීතීඥ මධුර විතානගේ ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණ විනිසුරුවන්ගෙන් වැඩිදුරටත් ඉල්ලා සිටියි.
මේ අතර, වත්මන් රජය විසින් ඉතා අසීරුවෙන් ගොඩ නගා ගත් අධිකරණයේ ස්වාධීනත්වයට 'ලංකා ඊ නිව්ස්' සහ එහි කතුවරයා බරපතල ලෙස හානි කරන බවත් එය ජාතික අනතුරක් බවත් අධිකරණ ඇමති විජේදාස රාජපක්ෂ පසුගිය 18 දා පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ පැවති අයවැය විවාදයට එක්වෙමින් පැවසීය.
'ලංකා ඊ නිව්ස්' කතුවරයාට එරෙහිව ජාත්යන්තර වරෙන්තුවක් ගෙන ශ්රී ලංකාවට ගෙන්වා නඩු අසන බව ඔහු එහිදී අවධාරණයෙන් පැවසීය.
'ලංකා ඊ නිව්ස්' නිසා විනිසුරුවරයෙකුට ස්වාධීන තීන්දුවක් දිය නොහැකි වී ඇතැයි ද ඔහු චෝදනා කළේය.
ඊට උදාහරණ ලෙස ඔහු කීවේ තීන්දුවකට පෙර විනිසුරුවරයා කෑමට ගිය තැනත් මුදල් ගත් අය ගැනත් 'ඊ නිව්ස්'හි පළ කරන බැවින් විනිසුරුවරුන්ට ස්වාධීනව තීන්දු දිය නොහැකි වී ඇති බවයි.
එබැවින් ලන්ඩනයේ නොව කොහේ සිටියත් ලංකාවට ගෙන්වා නඩු අසන බව ඔහු පැවසීය.
ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණයට ගොනුකරන ලද නඩුවේ පිටපත පහතින් නරඹන්න.
I, Owitigala Vithanage Madhura Vithanage of No. 148, Kalapaluwawa Road, Rajagiriya being a Buddhist do hereby solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm as follows;
1. I am the deponent above named, a Law Graduate of University of Sri Lanka and an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, enrolled on the 6th of July 1999.
2. I am a law abiding citizen of this country and I firmly believe that all the citizens shall have the protection of law and to live in an environment where the State ensures the upholding of Rule of Law while respecting the democratic values and principles.
3. I strongly believe that our lives as well as our rights could be secured and protected only if an independent judiciary prevails in the country.
4. During the recent past I have observed that there had been a series of articles published /appeared in the social media web site/face book named “Lankaenews” in which the judges and the Judicial Institutions had been critically ridiculed and intimidated and at certain instances there had been scathing attacks on judges commencing from Magistrates to the Hon. Chief Justice.
5. I annex hereto a printout of the article which appeared in Lankaenews of 16th September 2014 marked “X”, and plead as part and parcel of this Affidavit which contains defamatory and contemptuous articles about His Lordship Dilip Nawaz. I certify that I myself obtained copies of these printouts from the internet. This article and other articles which are filed separately have attacked both the judiciary conduct as well as the private lives of the judges and caused embarrassment not only to the judges, but to the entire judiciary.
6. Through the contents of the said articles the web site / face book owner/operator has insulted, defamed, and ridiculed the judges whose names are referred to therein and there is direct and indirect intimidation on judges as well as the judiciary as a whole.
7. These articles have attacked on both the judicial conduct as well as the private lives of the judges and caused embarrassment not only to the judges but also to the entire judiciary.
8. “Lankaenews” is a web site/face book owned and maintained by one Mr. Sandaruwan Senadheera from London, United Kingdom, and his telephone number as appears in the web site / face book is 00 447 400927826 and email address is
9. I state that the contents in the said articles are derogatory of the judiciary and the judges and tantamount to contempt of court punishable under law.
10. The articles continuously published in the said web site /face book is a threat to the independence of the judiciary and harmful to the wellbeing of the general public.
11. I am advised that this is a fit and proper matter to be dealt with by the Supreme Court by exercising the inherent jurisdiction vested in it and impose and implement adequate punishment on the wrongdoer Sandaruwan Senadheera.
The deponent having understood the contents
herein before mentioned affirmed and signed in
Colombo on Monday, 21st day of November 2016.
I, Owitigala Vithanage Madhura Vithanage of No. 148, Kalapaluwawa Road, Rajagiriya being a Buddhist do hereby solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm as follows;
1. I am the deponent above named, a Law Graduate of University of Sri Lanka and an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, enrolled on 6th of July 1999.
2. I am a law abiding citizen of this country and I firmly believe that all the citizens shall have the protection of law and to live in an environment where the State ensures the upholding of Rule of Law while respecting the democratic values and principles.
3. I strongly believe that our lives as well as our rights could be secured and protected only if an independent judiciary prevails in the country.
4. During the recent past I have observed that there had been a series of articles published /appeared in the social media web site/face book named “Lankaenews” in which the judges and the Judicial Institutions had been critically ridiculed and intimidated and at certain instances there had been scathing attacks on judges commencing from Magistrates to the Hon. Chief Justice.
5. I annex hereto a printout of the article which appeared in Lankaenews on or about the 29th of September 2014 marked “X-2”, and plead as part and parcel of this Affidavit. I certify that I myself obtained copies of these printouts from the internet. This article specially refers to the following judges and magistrates:-
01. Hon. Sisira Ratnayake
02. Hon. Kanishka Wijerathne
03. Hon. Gihan Pilapitiya
04. Hon. Thilina Gamage and
05. Hon. Ranga Wimaljasena
According to this article they are “thieving judges”.[jsks-fidreka ]
6. Through the contents of the said articles the web site / face book owner/operator has insulted, defamed, and ridiculed the judges whose names are referred to therein and there is direct and indirect intimidation on judges as well as the judiciary as a whole.
7. These articles have attacked on both the judicial conduct as well as the private lives of the judges and caused embarrassment not only to the judges but also to the entire judiciary.
8. “Lankaenews” is a web site/face book owned and maintained by one Mr. Sandaruwan Senadheera from London, United Kingdom, and his telephone number as appears in the web site / face book is 00 447 400927826 and email address is
9. I state that the contents in the said articles are derogatory of the judiciary and the judges and tantamount to contempt of court punishable under law.
10. The articles continuously published in the said web site /face book is a threat to the independence of the judiciary and harmful to the wellbeing of the general public.
11. I am advised that this is a fit and proper matter to be dealt with by the Supreme Court by exercising the inherent jurisdiction vested in it and impose and implement adequate punishment on the wrongdoer Sandaruwan Senadheera.
The deponent having understood the contents
herein before mentioned affirmed and signed in
Colombo on Monday, 21st day of November 2016.
I, Owitigala Vithanage Madhura Vithanage of No. 148, Kalapaluwawa Road, Rajagiriya being a Buddhist do hereby solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm as follows;
1. I am the deponent above named, a Law Graduate of University of Sri Lanka and an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, enrolled on 6th of July 1999.
2. I am a law abiding citizen of this country and I firmly believe that all the citizens shall have the protection of law and to live in an environment where the State ensures the upholding of Rule of Law while respecting the democratic values and principles.
3. I strongly believe that our lives as well as our rights could be secured and protected only if an independent judiciary prevails in the country.
4. During the recent past I have observed that there had been a series of articles published /appeared in the social media web site/face book named “Lankaenews” in which the judges and the Judicial Institutions had been critically ridiculed and intimidated and at certain instances there had been scathing attacks on judges commencing from Magistrates to the Hon. Chief Justice.
5. I annex hereto a printout of the article which appeared in Lankaenews of 24th October 2014 marked “X-3”, and plead as part and parcel of this Affidavit. I certify that I myself obtained copies of these printouts from the internet. This article specially refers to 75 High Court Judges who were given a special tour of the Amaya Hotel and the name of his Lordship Buwenaka Aluvihara is mentioned and also mentions that these 75 judges, would be beholden to the State, as this was sponsored by the former President Mahinda Rajapaksha.
6. Through the contents of the said articles the web site / face book owner/operator has insulted, defamed, and ridiculed the judges whose names are referred to therein and there is direct and indirect intimidation on judges as well as the judiciary as a whole.
7. These articles have attacked on both the judicial conduct as well as the private lives of the judges and caused embarrassment not only to the judges but also to the entire judiciary.
8. “Lankaenews” is a web site/face book owned and maintained by one Mr. Sandaruwan Senadheera from London, United Kingdom, and his telephone number as appears in the web site / face book is 00 447 400927826 and email address is
9. I state that the contents in the said articles are derogatory of the judiciary and the judges and tantamount to contempt of court punishable under law.
10. The articles continuously published in the said web site /face book is a threat to the independence of the judiciary and harmful to the wellbeing of the general public.
11. I am advised that this is a fit and proper matter to be dealt with by the Supreme Court by exercising the inherent jurisdiction vested in it and impose and implement adequate punishment on the wrongdoer Sandaruwan Senadheera.
The deponent having understood the contents
herein before mentioned affirmed and signed in
Colombo on Monday, 21st day of November 2016.
I, Owitigala Vithanage Madhura Vithanage of No. 148, Kalapaluwawa Road, Rajagiriya being a Buddhist do hereby solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm as follows;
1. I am the deponent above named, a Law Graduate of University of Sri Lanka and an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, enrolled on 6th of July 1999.
2. I am a law abiding citizen of this country and I firmly believe that all the citizens shall have the protection of law and to live in an environment where the State ensures the Lankaenews upholding of Rule of Law while respecting the democratic values and principles.
3. I strongly believe that our lives as well as our rights could be secured and protected only if an independent judiciary prevails in the country.
4. During the recent past I have observed that there had been a series of articles published /appeared in the social media web site/face book named “Lankaenews” in which the judges and the Judicial Institutions had been critically ridiculed and intimidated and at certain instances there had been scathing attacks on judges commencing from Magistrates to the Hon. Chief Justice.
5. I annex hereto a printout of the article which appeared in Lankaenews of 7th November 2014 marked “X-4”, and plead as part and parcel of this Affidavit. I certify that I myself obtained copies of these printouts from the internet, wherein the entire Supreme Court Judges have defamed for sitting secretly to consider whether the former President Mahinda Rajapaksha could contest for another period of 6 years.
6. Through the contents of the said articles the web site / face book owner/operator has insulted, defamed, and ridiculed the judges whose names are referred to therein and there is direct and indirect intimidation on judges as well as the judiciary as a whole.
7. These articles have attacked on both the judicial conduct as well as the private lives of the judges and caused embarrassment not only to the judges but also to the entire judiciary.
8. “Lankaenews” is a web site/face book owned and maintained by one Mr. Sandaruwan Senadheera from London, United Kingdom, and his telephone number as appears in the web site / face book is 00 447 400927826 and email address is
9. I state that the contents in the said articles are derogatory of the judiciary and the judges and tantamount to contempt of court punishable under law.
10. The articles continuously published in the said web site /face book is a threat to the independence of the judiciary and harmful to the wellbeing of the general public.
11. I am advised that this is a fit and proper matter to be dealt with by the Supreme Court by exercising the inherent jurisdiction vested in it and impose and implement adequate punishment on the wrongdoer Sandaruwan Senadheera.
The deponent having understood the contents
herein before mentioned affirmed and signed in
Colombo on Monday, 21st day of November 2016.
I, Owitigala Vithanage Madhura Vithanage of No. 148, Kalapaluwawa Road, Rajagiriya being a Buddhist do hereby solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm as follows;
1. I am the deponent above named, a Law Graduate of University of Sri Lanka and an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, enrolled on 6th of July 1999.
2. I am a law abiding citizen of this country and I firmly believe that all the citizens shall have the protection of law and to live in an environment where the State ensures the upholding of Rule of Law while respecting the democratic values and principles.
3. I strongly believe that our lives as well as our rights could be secured and protected only if an independent judiciary prevails in the country.
4. During the recent past I have observed that there had been a series of articles published /appeared in the social media web site/face book named “Lankaenews” in which the judges and the Judicial Institutions had been critically ridiculed and intimidated and at certain instances there had been scathing attacks on judges commencing from Magistrates to the Hon. Chief Justice.
5. I annex hereto a printout of the article which appeared in Lankaenews of 11th May 2015 marked “X-5”, and plead as part and parcel of this Affidavit. In the aforementioned article the present judge of the Court of Appeal Mr. Lalith Jayasuriya has been defamed. I certify that I myself obtained copies of these printouts from the internet.
6. Through the contents of the said articles the web site / face book owner/operator has insulted, defamed, and ridiculed the judges whose names are referred to therein and there is direct and indirect intimidation on judges as well as the judiciary as a whole.
7. These articles have attacked on both the judicial conduct as well as the private lives of the judges and caused embarrassment not only to the judges but also to the entire judiciary.
8. “Lankaenews” is a web site/face book owned and maintained by one Mr. Sandaruwan Senadheera from London, United Kingdom, and his telephone number as appears in the web site / face book is 00 447 400927826 and email address is
9. I state that the contents in the said articles are derogatory of the judiciary and the judges and tantamount to contempt of court punishable under law.
10. The articles continuously published in the said web site /face book is a threat to the independence of the judiciary and harmful to the wellbeing of the general public.
11. I am advised that this is a fit and proper matter to be dealt with by the Supreme Court by exercising the inherent jurisdiction vested in it and impose and implement adequate punishment on the wrongdoer Sandaruwan Senadheera.
The deponent having understood the contents
herein before mentioned affirmed and signed in
Colombo on Monday, 21st day of November 2016.
I, Owitigala Vithanage Madhura Vithanage of No. 148, Kalapaluwawa Road, Rajagiriya being a Buddhist do hereby solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm as follows;
1. I am the deponent above named, a Law Graduate of University of Sri Lanka and an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, enrolled on 6th of July 1999.
2. I am a law abiding citizen of this country and I firmly believe that all the citizens shall have the protection of law and to live in an environment where the State ensures the upholding of Rule of Law while respecting the democratic values and principles.
3. I strongly believe that our lives as well as our rights could be secured and protected only if an independent judiciary prevails in the country.
4. During the recent past I have observed that there had been a series of articles published /appeared in the social media web site/face book named “Lankaenews” in which the judges and the Judicial Institutions had been critically ridiculed and intimidated and at certain instances there had been scathing attacks on judges commencing from Magistrates to the Hon. Chief Justice.
5. I annex hereto a printout of the article which appeared in Lankaenews of 21st of August 2015 marked “X-6”, and plead as part and parcel of this Affidavit. In this article the Judiciary Commission Service has been defamed in the manner in which they conducted interviews, recruited and appointed judges. I certify that I myself obtained copies of these printouts from the internet.
6. Through the contents of the said articles the web site / face book owner/operator has insulted, defamed, and ridiculed the judges whose names are referred to therein and there is direct and indirect intimidation on judges as well as the judiciary as a whole.
7. These articles have attacked on both the judicial conduct as well as the private lives of the judges and caused embarrassment not only to the judges but also to the entire judiciary.
8. “Lankaenews” is a web site/face book owned and maintained by one Mr. Sandaruwan Senadheera from London, United Kingdom, and his telephone number as appears in the web site / face book is 00 447 400927826 and email address is
9. I state that the contents in the said articles are derogatory of the judiciary and the judges and tantamount to contempt of court punishable under law.
10. The articles continuously published in the said web site /face book is a threat to the independence of the judiciary and harmful to the wellbeing of the general public.
11. I am advised that this is a fit and proper matter to be dealt with by the Supreme Court by exercising the inherent jurisdiction vested in it and impose and implement adequate punishment on the wrongdoer Sandaruwan Senadheera.
The deponent having understood the contents
herein before mentioned affirmed and signed in
Colombo on Monday, 21st day of November 2016.
I, Owitigala Vithanage Madhura Vithanage of No. 148, Kalapaluwawa Road, Rajagiriya being a Buddhist do hereby solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm as follows;
1. I am the deponent above named, a Law Graduate of University of Sri Lanka and an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, enrolled on 6th of July 1999.
2. I am a law abiding citizen of this country and I firmly believe that all the citizens shall have the protection of law and to live in an environment where the State ensures the upholding of Rule of Law while respecting the democratic values and principles.
3. I strongly believe that our lives as well as our rights could be secured and protected only if an independent judiciary prevails in the country.
4. During the recent past I have observed that there had been a series of articles published /appeared in the social media web site/face book named “Lankaenews” in which the judges and the Judicial Institutions had been critically ridiculed and intimidated and at certain instances there had been scathing attacks on judges commencing from Magistrates to the Hon. Chief Justice.
5. I annex hereto a printout of the article which appeared in Lankaenews of 20th September 2015 marked “X-7”, and plead as part and parcel of this Affidavit, wherein High Court judge Ms. Kusala Sarojini Weerawardena has been utterly defamed and certify that I myself obtained copies of these printouts from the internet.
6. Through the contents of the said articles the web site / face book owner/operator has insulted, defamed, and ridiculed the judges whose names are referred to therein and there is direct and indirect intimidation on judges as well as the judiciary as a whole.
7. These articles have attacked on both the judicial conduct as well as the private lives of the judges and caused embarrassment not only to the judges but also to the entire judiciary.
8. “Lankaenews” is a web site/face book owned and maintained by one Mr. Sandaruwan Senadheera from London, United Kingdom, and his telephone number as appears in the web site / face book is 00 447 400927826 and email address is
9. I state that the contents in the said articles are derogatory of the judiciary and the judges and tantamount to contempt of court punishable under law.
10. The articles continuously published in the said web site /face book is a threat to the independence of the judiciary and harmful to the wellbeing of the general public.
11. I am advised that this is a fit and proper matter to be dealt with by the Supreme Court by exercising the inherent jurisdiction vested in it and impose and implement adequate punishment on the wrongdoer Sandaruwan Senadheera.
The deponent having understood the contents
herein before mentioned affirmed and signed in
Colombo on Monday, 21st day of November 2016.
I, Owitigala Vithanage Madhura Vithanage of No. 148, Kalapaluwawa Road, Rajagiriya being a Buddhist do hereby solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm as follows;
1. I am the deponent above named, a Law Graduate of University of Sri Lanka and an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, enrolled on 6th of July 1999.
2. I am a law abiding citizen of this country and I firmly believe that all the citizens shall have the protection of law and to live in an environment where the State ensures the upholding of Rule of Law while respecting the democratic values and principles.
3. I strongly believe that our lives as well as our rights could be secured and protected only if an independent judiciary prevails in the country.
4. During the recent past I have observed that there had been a series of articles published /appeared in the social media web site/face book named “Lankaenews” in which the judges and the Judicial Institutions had been critically ridiculed and intimidated and at certain instances there had been scathing attacks on judges commencing from Magistrates to the Hon. Chief Justice.
5. I annex hereto a printout of the article which appeared in Lankaenews of 19th May 2016 marked “X-8” and X-9 dated 21st of May 2016, and plead as part and parcel of this Affidavit, wherein these 2 articles have defamed Chief Justice Hon. K Sripavan, Magistrates Mr. Gihan Pilapitiya, Mr. Thilina Gamage, Minister of justice Mr. Wijedasa Rajapaksha and Asst. Secretary of the Judicial Commission Mr. Pamila Ratnayake, Defence Secretary Mr. Karunarathne Hettiarachchi and the IGP of Police Mr. Pujitha Jayasundera. I certify that I myself obtained copies of these printouts from the internet.
6. Through the contents of the said articles the web site / face book owner/operator has insulted, defamed, and ridiculed the judges whose names are referred to therein and there is direct and indirect intimidation on judges as well as the judiciary as a whole.
7. These articles have attacked on both the judicial conduct as well as the private lives of the judges and caused embarrassment not only to the judges but also to the entire judiciary.
8. “Lankaenews” is a web site/face book owned and maintained by one Mr. Sandaruwan Senadheera from London, United Kingdom, and his telephone number as appears in the web site / face book is 00 447 400927826 and email address is
9. I state that the contents in the said articles are derogatory of the judiciary and the judges and tantamount to contempt of court punishable under law.
10. The articles continuously published in the said web site /face book is a threat to the independence of the judiciary and harmful to the wellbeing of the general public.
11. I am advised that this is a fit and proper matter to be dealt with by the Supreme Court by exercising the inherent jurisdiction vested in it and impose and implement adequate punishment on the wrongdoer Sandaruwan Senadheera.
The deponent having understood the contents
herein before mentioned affirmed and signed in
Colombo on Monday, 21st day of November 2016.
I, Owitigala Vithanage Madhura Vithanage of No. 148, Kalapaluwawa Road, Rajagiriya being a Buddhist do hereby solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm as follows;
1. I am the deponent above named, a Law Graduate of University of Sri Lanka and an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, enrolled on 6th of July 1999.
2. I am a law abiding citizen of this country and I firmly believe that all the citizens shall have the protection of law and to live in an environment where the State ensures the upholding of Rule of Law while respecting the democratic values and principles.
3. I strongly believe that our lives as well as our rights could be secured and protected only if an independent judiciary prevails in the country.
4. During the recent past I have observed that there had been a series of articles published /appeared in the social media web site/face book named “Lankaenews” in which the judges and the Judicial Institutions had been critically ridiculed and intimidated and at certain instances there had been scathing attacks on judges commencing from Magistrates to the Hon. Chief Justice.
5. I annex hereto a printout of the article which appeared in Lankaenews of 10th June 2016 marked “X-10”, and plead as part and parcel of this Affidavit. I certify that I myself obtained copies of these printouts from the internet, wherein an Attorney-at-law of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka Chandrasiri Senevirathne, practicing at Bangalawatte (Dias watte), Lewella, Kandy defames, judges Mr. Thilina Gamage and Mr. Kanishka Wijerathne and the entirety of the Judicial Commission as a whole.
6. Through the contents of the said articles the web site / face book owner/operator has insulted, defamed, and ridiculed the judges whose names are referred to therein and there is direct and indirect intimidation on judges as well as the judiciary as a whole.
7. These articles have attacked on both the judicial conduct as well as the private lives of the judges and caused embarrassment not only to the judges but also to the entire judiciary.
8. “Lankaenews” is a web site/face book owned and maintained by one Mr. Sandaruwan Senadheera from London, United Kingdom, and his telephone number as appears in the web site / face book is 00 447 400927826 and email address is
9. I state that the contents in the said articles are derogatory of the judiciary and the judges and tantamount to contempt of court punishable under law.
10. The articles continuously published in the said web site /face book is a threat to the independence of the judiciary and harmful to the wellbeing of the general public.
11. I am advised that this is a fit and proper matter to be dealt with by the Supreme Court by exercising the inherent jurisdiction vested in it and impose and implement adequate punishment on the wrongdoer Sandaruwan Senadheera.
The deponent having understood the contents
herein before mentioned affirmed and signed in
Colombo on Monday, 21st day of November 2016.
I, Owitigala Vithanage Madhura Vithanage of No. 148, Kalapaluwawa Road, Rajagiriya being a Buddhist do hereby solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm as follows;
1. I am the deponent above named, a Law Graduate of University of Sri Lanka and an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, enrolled on 6th of July 1999.
2. I am a law abiding citizen of this country and I firmly believe that all the citizens shall have the protection of law and to live in an environment where the State ensures the upholding of Rule of Law while respecting the democratic values and principles.
3. I strongly believe that our lives as well as our rights could be secured and protected only if an independent judiciary prevails in the country.
4. During the recent past I have observed that there had been a series of articles published /appeared in the social media web site/face book named “Lankaenews” in which the judges and the Judicial Institutions had been critically ridiculed and intimidated and at certain instances there had been scathing attacks on judges commencing from Magistrates to the Hon. Chief Justice.
5. I annex hereto a printout of the article which appeared in Lankaenews of 31st July 2016 marked “X-11”, and plead as part and parcel of this Affidavit. In this article the Gampaha Magistrate Ms. Kavindra Nanayakkara has been defamed. I certify that I myself obtained copies of these printouts from the internet.
6. Through the contents of the said articles the web site / face book owner/operator has insulted, defamed, and ridiculed the judges whose names are referred to therein and there is direct and indirect intimidation on judges as well as the judiciary as a whole.
7. These articles have attacked on both the judicial conduct as well as the private lives of the judges and caused embarrassment not only to the judges but also to the entire judiciary.
8. “Lankaenews” is a web site/face book owned and maintained by one Mr. Sandaruwan Senadheera from London, United Kingdom, and his telephone number as appears in the web site / face book is 00 447 400927826 and email address is
9. I state that the contents in the said articles are derogatory of the judiciary and the judges and tantamount to contempt of court punishable under law.
10. The articles continuously published in the said web site /face book is a threat to the independence of the judiciary and harmful to the wellbeing of the general public.
11. I am advised that this is a fit and proper matter to be dealt with by the Supreme Court by exercising the inherent jurisdiction vested in it and impose and implement adequate punishment on the wrongdoer Sandaruwan Senadheera.
The deponent having understood the contents
herein before mentioned affirmed and signed in
Colombo on Monday, 21st day of November 2016.
I, Owitigala Vithanage Madhura Vithanage of No. 148, Kalapaluwawa Road, Rajagiriya being a Buddhist do hereby solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm as follows;
1. I am the deponent above named, a Law Graduate of University of Sri Lanka and an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, enrolled on 6th of July 1999.
2. I am a law abiding citizen of this country and I firmly believe that all the citizens shall have the protection of law and to live in an environment where the State ensures the upholding of Rule of Law while respecting the democratic values and principles.
3. I strongly believe that our lives as well as our rights could be secured and protected only if an independent judiciary prevails in the country.
4. During the recent past I have observed that there had been a series of articles published /appeared in the social media web site/face book named “Lankaenews” in which the judges and the Judicial Institutions had been critically ridiculed and intimidated and at certain instances there had been scathing attacks on judges commencing from Magistrates to the Hon. Chief Justice.
5. I annex hereto a printout of the article which appeared in Lankaenews of 7th September 2016 marked “X-12”, and I plead as part and parcel of this Affidavit in which the contents is highly defamatory of High Court Judge Mr. Sumudu Premachandra. I certify that I myself obtained copies of these from the internet.
6. Through the contents of the said articles the web site / face book owner/operator has insulted, defamed, and ridiculed the judges whose names are referred to therein and there is direct and indirect intimidation on judges as well as the judiciary as a whole.
7. These articles have attacked on both the judicial conduct as well as the private lives of the judges and caused embarrassment not only to the judges but also to the entire judiciary.
8. “Lankaenews” is a web site/face book owned and maintained by one Mr. Sandaruwan Senadheera from London, United Kingdom, and his telephone number as appears in the web site / face book is 00 447 400927826 and email address is
9. I state that the contents in the said articles are derogatory of the judiciary and the judges and tantamount to contempt of court punishable under law.
10. The articles continuously published in the said web site /face book is a threat to the independence of the judiciary and harmful to the wellbeing of the general public.
11. I am advised that this is a fit and proper matter to be dealt with by the Supreme Court by exercising the inherent jurisdiction vested in it and impose and implement adequate punishment on the wrongdoer Sandaruwan Senadheera.
The deponent having understood the contents
herein before mentioned affirmed and signed in
Colombo on Monday, 21st day of November 2016.
I, Owitigala Vithanage Madhura Vithanage of No. 148, Kalapaluwawa Road, Rajagiriya being a Buddhist do hereby solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm as follows;
1. I am the deponent above named, a Law Graduate of University of Sri Lanka and an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, enrolled on the 6th of July 1999.
2. I am a law abiding citizen of this country and I firmly believe that all the citizens shall have the protection of law and to live in an environment where the State ensures the upholding of Rule of Law while respecting the democratic values and principles.
3. I strongly believe that our lives as well as our rights could be secured and protected only if an independent judiciary prevails in the country.
4. During the recent past I have observed that there had been a series of articles published /appeared in the social media web site/face book named “Lankaenews” in which the judges and the Judicial Institutions had been critically ridiculed and intimidated and at certain instances there had been scathing attacks on judges commencing from Magistrates to the Hon. Chief Justice.
5. I annex hereto a printout of the article which appeared in Lankaenews of 7th September 2016 marked “X-13”, and plead as part and parcel of this Affidavit. In this article the following judges have been defamed.
a) Mr. Bandula Karunarathne
b) Mr. Sumudu Premachandra
c) Mr. Lasantha Kumara
d) Ms. Menaka Wijesundera &
e) Ms. Deepali Wijesundera
In this article heading says, “Another Lady High Court Judge commits Professional Prostitution during day time”, referring Ms. Menaka Wijesundera. I certify that I myself obtained copies of these from the internet.
6. Through the contents of the said articles the web site / face book owner/operator has insulted, defamed, and ridiculed the judges whose names are referred to therein and there is direct and indirect intimidation on judges as well as the judiciary as a whole.
7. These articles have attacked on both the judicial conduct as well as the private lives of the judges and caused embarrassment not only to the judges but also to the entire judiciary.
8. “Lankaenews” is a web site/face book owned and maintained by one Mr. Sandaruwan Senadheera from London, United Kingdom, and his telephone number as appears in the web site / face book is 00 447 400927826 and email address is
9. I state that the contents in the said articles are derogatory of the judiciary and the judges and tantamount to contempt of court punishable under law.
10. The articles continuously published in the said web site /face book is a threat to the independence of the judiciary and harmful to the wellbeing of the general public.
11. I am advised that this is a fit and proper matter to be dealt with by the Supreme Court by exercising the inherent jurisdiction vested in it and impose and implement adequate punishment on the wrongdoer Sandaruwan Senadheera.
The deponent having understood the contents
herein before mentioned affirmed and signed in
Colombo on Monday, 21st day of November 2016.
I, Owitigala Vithanage Madhura Vithanage of No. 148, Kalapaluwawa Road, Rajagiriya being a Buddhist do hereby solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm as follows;
1. I am the deponent above named, a Law Graduate of University of Sri Lanka and an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, enrolled on the 6th of July 1999.
2. I am a law abiding citizen of this country and I firmly believe that all the citizens shall have the protection of law and to live in an environment where the State ensures the upholding of Rule of Law while respecting the democratic values and principles.
3. I strongly believe that our lives as well as our rights could be secured and protected only if an independent judiciary prevails in the country.
4. During the recent past I have observed that there had been a series of articles published /appeared in the social media web site/face book named “Lankaenews” in which the judges and the Judicial Institutions had been critically ridiculed and intimidated and at certain instances there had been scathing attacks on judges commencing from Magistrates to the Hon. Chief Justice.
5. I annex hereto a printout of the article which appeared in Lankaenews of 11th September 2016 marked “X-14”, and I plead as part and parcel of this Affidavit. In this article Lankaenews refers to Mr. Shiran Gunerathne High Court Judge in utter contempt and in the same article, High Court Judge Mr. Damith Thotawatte and High Court Judge Mr. Mohan Senevirathne too has been defamed. I certify that I myself obtained copies of these from the internet.
6. Through the contents of the said articles the web site / face book owner/operator has insulted, defamed, and ridiculed the judges whose names are referred to therein and there is direct and indirect intimidation on judges as well as the judiciary as a whole.
7. These articles have attacked on both the judicial conduct as well as the private lives of the judges and caused embarrassment not only to the judges but also to the entire judiciary.
8. “Lankaenews” is a web site/face book owned and maintained by one Mr. Sandaruwan Senadheera from London, United Kingdom, and his telephone number as appears in the web site / face book is 00 447 400927826 and email address is
9. I state that the contents in the said articles are derogatory of the judiciary and the judges and tantamount to contempt of court punishable under law.
10. The articles continuously published in the said web site /face book is a threat to the independence of the judiciary and harmful to the wellbeing of the general public.
11. I am advised that this is a fit and proper matter to be dealt with by the Supreme Court by exercising the inherent jurisdiction vested in it and impose and implement adequate punishment on the wrongdoer Sandaruwan Senadheera.
The deponent having understood the contents
herein before mentioned affirmed and signed in
Colombo on Monday, 21st day of November 2016.
I, Owitigala Vithanage Madhura Vithanage of No. 148, Kalapaluwawa Road, Rajagiriya being a Buddhist do hereby solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and affirm as follows;
1. I am the deponent above named, a Law Graduate of University of Sri Lanka and an Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, enrolled on 6th of July 1999.
2. I am a law abiding citizen of this country and I firmly believe that all the citizens shall have the protection of law and to live in an environment where the State ensures the upholding of Rule of Law while respecting the democratic values and principles.
3. I strongly believe that our lives as well as our rights could be secured and protected only if an independent judiciary prevails in the country.
4. During the recent past I have observed that there had been a series of articles published /appeared in the social media web site/face book named “Lankaenews” in which the judges and the Judicial Institutions had been critically ridiculed and intimidated and at certain instances there had been scathing attacks on judges commencing from Magistrates to the Hon. Chief Justice.
5. I annex hereto a printout of the article which appeared in Lankaenews of 10th November 2016 marked “X-15”, and I plead as part and parcel of this Affidavit. In this article Lankaenews has defamed 2 judges of the Court of Appeal, Hon. Mr. Dehideniya and Ms. Madawala.
6. Through the contents of the said articles the web site / face book owner/operator has insulted, defamed, and ridiculed the judges whose names are referred to therein and there is direct and indirect intimidation on judges as well as the judiciary as a whole.
7. These articles have attacked on both the judicial conduct as well as the private lives of the judges and caused embarrassment not only to the judges but also to the entire judiciary.
8. “Lankaenews” is a web site/face book owned and maintained by one Mr. Sandaruwan Senadheera from London, United Kingdom, and his telephone number as appears in the web site / face book is 00 447 400927826 and email address is
9. I state that the contents in the said articles are derogatory of the judiciary and the judges and tantamount to contempt of court punishable under law.
10. The articles continuously published in the said web site /face book is a threat to the independence of the judiciary and harmful to the wellbeing of the general public.
11. I am advised that this is a fit and proper matter to be dealt with by the Supreme Court by exercising the inherent jurisdiction vested in it and impose and implement adequate punishment on the wrongdoer Sandaruwan Senadheera.
The deponent having understood the contents
herein before mentioned affirmed and signed in
Colombo on Monday, 21st day of November 2016.